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Our Central Kids team takes our Pre-schoolers and Kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Kids discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that changes everything.

We believe that parents should play a primary role in discipling their kids. Our Central Kids team, therefore, creates a weekly digital program for parents to use at home. We also provide a Central Kids program [3 - 12 years] when we gather as a church; however, this program is supplementary to what happens at home.

TRIBE [Youth | 12 - 18 yrs]

Tribe normally meets on Fridays to study God's Word, have fun and worship together in song. They also break out in groups where they discuss the implications of the Word and help each other follow Jesus in all of life. They also meet twice a month during the gathering at our Embassy Mall venue to discuss relevant topics.

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